Release Date: Early 2023
Augmented Reality Heliodon
Hi! I'm Zimeng Tan, a former Architecture student pursuing a career in Interaction Design.

This is a preview of my open-source Augmented Reality Heliodon project.

What is a heliodon:
A Study on the Validation of Heliodon for Daylighting Performance Evaluation by Jeong Tai Kim:
"Architects may evaluate building models to see how a building will shadow itself and its neighbours at various times. A heliodon, a tilt-table machine that imitates the rotation and orbit of the Earth, helps architects wanting to analyze patterns of shadow patches, passive solar heating options, site solar panels, or control solar heat gain."

Why build an Augmented Reality Heliodon:
Nowadays, Architecture students prefer using computer simulation software to test the shadow of a building, although they often do not know the principles behind the diagrams and data from the computer. This is when analogue heliodon can aid students for educational purposes. A hands-on experience may help students learn the principles of natural light quickly, whereas Augmented Reality can compensate for the weaknesses of the analogue heliodon, primarily accuracy and the density of information provided from the analogue format.

Current Development Focus:
Right now, I'm testing out and adjusting the device's accuracy. What you see here is only a preview which looks nothing like the final product. AR function will remain speculative for a while and is still in development(probably 5 months before you can use the phone as an AR device).

Augmented Reality Heliodon@ 2022 by Zimeng Tan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA-4.0.
The project is open-source, which means that not long after, I will share more information about products and ways to use this device.

What I will share:
1. 3D cutting template/3D printing files/materials needed and materials cost estimate.
2. Detailed production steps/ detailed 3D model for reference
3. Arduino code and circuit diagram
4. Augmented Reality phone application (android + ios)
5. User guidance (a pamphlet showing new students how to use the device)

I'm new to engineering and Augmented Reality development, so I need your help ;)
The project grows stronger as more people join together. I have received help from interaction designers, carpentry specialists, origami masters, architecture students and teachers.
If you would like to make suggestions or would like to make the project you own version and share to the world, please feel free to contact me at